* khalja of iriq

―They say don't get caught up in regret, learn from everything you've lost, let go of all you've done.

rp info for khalja iriq from ffxiv. contains spoilers.
narrated by mel. some sections are a WIP.
( 22 / they/them / EST )

* rules.

.  001.  .  I do not do any sort of explicit NSFW content! Suggestive mentions and such are fine, but I will not be writing any sort of erp. It's outside of my comfort zone..  002.  .  I will not rp with anyone under 18, and prefer not to interact full stop. this isn't even for any sort of sensitive topics in rp, i just do not want to interact with minors..  003.  . I'm okay with canon divergent plots or ideas! They're the spice of life, and can flesh out pieces that are otherwise left barren.

.  004.  .  The general roleplay courtesies, of course. I am not my character, my character is not me. Views don't always line up, because it can be fun to write a character from a different lens than your own..  005.  .  I try to respond as quick as I can, but I also don't want to give you a weak reply, so please bare with me if it takes some time for a reply to get sent..  006.  .  Communication! Please communicate anything you feel important to know, just to make sure everyone's comfortable and having fun :)

( template made by @poohsources )



  • aymericdeborel / mels#6644

* character info.




  • full name.  khalja (of) iriq

  • also known as.  khal

  • nameday.  12th sun of the 4th umbral moon (8/12)

  • age.  31

  • zodiac.  ☼ leo ☼ / ☾ aquarius ☾ / ↑ leo ↑

  • gender.  male

  • pronouns.  he / him

  • romantic orientation.  homoromantic

  • sexual orientation.  homosexual

  • occupation.  mercenary

  • species.  xaela

  • birthplace.  azim steppe

  • current home.  gridania

  • language(s).  common, old auri

  • parents.  mother: nomin iriq father: ???

  • siblings.  none

  • other family members.  unnamed from iriq and borlaaq

  • significant other.  saelihn valdi

  • children.  ebegei borlaaq

  • likes.  stews, sparring, teaching, hair dye

  • dislikes.  boats, cold weather, asparagus

  • religion. steppe gods + the twelve

  • phobias. thalassophobia

  • hobbies. singing

  • mbti.  esfp

  • moral alignment.  neutral good

  • enneagram type.  7w8

Born from a Borlaaq woman, his mother, Nomin, was quick to forego the tradition to give up her male child to the Iriq on his second birthday. Instead, opting to go with him, leaving her tribe behind for the Iriq. Nomin faced ridicule from her tribe for doing so, but she wished for nothing but to be with her only son.Growing up, Khalja was nothing more than a wild child. A terror amongst the other children his age, he would bully and harass relentlessly, getting into fights constantly. He would smear dung that he was collecting on other's bedrolls, or hide it underneath any pillows they had. Before his teenage years, he had pushed a boy he was arguing with into the Azim Khaat, after which he ran away, the realization of his actions hitting him. The boy remained unharmed, but Khalja's mother instilled at what the time seemed like harsh punishments and boundaries, trying to put an end to her son's tirade.Despite his mother's best efforts, even into his teenage years, these issues did not go away. They simply exasperated the more aggressive tendencies he had, picking more fights with men much older than him from other tribes. Promiscuous and belligerent, he found himself in much more serious trouble than he had been as a boy. In an experiment with sexuality, he had unknowingly gotten a Borlaaq woman pregnant, of which he was unaware of for many years.During his first Naadam, he became gravely wounded, of which the duel between Khalja and an Oronir slightly younger than him had partially impaled him with a spear, thankfully missing any vitals. This would deter most warriors, but Khalja was only lit with a fire so intense, it became his driving motivation for years. He would become a fantastic warrior of the Steppe, and maybe on all of Othard! This driving force was what had caused him to eventually leave the Steppe, after he deemed himself suitable to survive on his own in foreign lands.Khalja had taken a ship, bound to Kugane with nothing but a halberd on his back, and the years of Naadams under his belt. Unfortunately, said boat was bound elsewhere, and Kugane wouldn't be in the cards for many years for him. Instead, he had docked in Limsa Lominsa.Only months after arriving in this new world, disaster had struck, in the way of the Seventh Umbral Calamity.

As it did with many, the Calamity brought uncertainty and fear to many.

* verses.

main verses

  • warrior of light.  After arriving in Gridania to join the Lancer's Guild, he was quickly taken in by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Mostly lore compliant. Refused to fight for the Mol during the Naadam, much to Hien's chagrin. Fought with the Iriq, won, and they made their moves that way instead. Flirted heavily with the Crystal Exarch, which eventually led to a very close and intense relationship forming between Khalja and G'raha Tia once they had returned to the Source.

  • mercenary.  Upon gaining rank and renown amongst the Lancer's Guild, Khalja had begun work for the Twin Adders as well as the occasional assistance out in Coerthas, helping the Ishgardians. Occasionally he'd take up the odd job or two when approached in the Roost. He would sit, donned in full heavy armor, making it very clear to any passersby what his profession was; along with keeping an ear (horn?) open for any tips amongst the townsfolk. After a brief spat with a man whom was looking for information on the recent primal threat, he had taken it upon himself to work for him, keeping any other merc who was too cocky for their own good away from this potential danger. The man was a scholar by trade, known as Saelihn Valdi. As time went on, and the two journeyed more together, a very close bond began to form, and one way or another, led to their marriage. Khalja still performs mercenary work to support the both of them, leaving for days, sometimes weeks at a time.

  • dual wol.  WIP